Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Facts , Figures and love

Its been nearly a year since I left college. I still keep in touch with my friends and an ideal online chat conversation with a college friend would proceed as follows:

Me : Hey there! Hows life. How are things?

X(the other person): Life’s great.. things are going fine..

Me: And hows work ?

X: work goes on .. blah blah blah blah

Me: Oh.. same here , blah blah blah ..

X: blah blah

Me: Blah blah…

‘X’ would then ask the most inevitable question:

X: So ... found a girl for yourself yet?

Me: Nope!

X: What the BEEP! You live in Mumbai.. full of hot chicks. How come you don’t have a girlfriend?

This article is dedicated to my countless friends who have asked me this question. I intend to offer them an explanation.

A month has on an average 30 days. I spend 6 days a week at work (there are no girls there) and come back home tired. I get four Sundays off , that’s 4/30 days or 13.33% in a month. Studies have shown that an average human being requires at least six hours of sleep. Out of the 96 hrs(13.33% of a month), 24 hrs are spent sleeping. , leaving me 9.99% in the month (assuming I don’t eat, take bath etc).

In this 9.99% , lets assume that I actually get to talk to a girl and begin to like her. Things would proceed well and our relation would blossom. I would eventually ask her out; she would either accept or ‘see me as a friend.’ Thus the probability of me getting a girlfriend in Mumbai is 9.99/2/100 = 0.0499. My probability of NOT getting a girlfriend however is 1- 0.0499 = 0.9501.

On an optimistic note, I would like to say that stranger things have happened in this mad mad world. Maybe a beautiful girl might actually meet me on the local train platform, look and me in the eyes and say ‘Let us NOT be friends. I love you and hope you love me too!’ All I can do now is micro observe and carry on with my life.